"Are you looking for ways to create wheelchair accessible accommodations? ... Accessibility is so much more than just grab bars in bathrooms. Whether you are creating a space that works for you, your client or your loved one, Build YOUR Space helps you make decisions that will allow for reduced physical energy needs, improved safety during everyday activities, increased independence and the preservation of dignity. Build YOUR Space guides you through the process of planning an accessible space, from a single bathroom to a whole home. You will learn how the big decisions (like windows and flooring) can make as much of an impact as the small details of counter height and door handles. Build YOUR Space will help you customize your space to fit your personal requirements. For those who build, renovate and design new buildings, Julie Sawchuk will help you save time and money by doing it right the first time. Using her own home as an example, interviews from experts and further examples of unconventional accessible spaces, Build YOUR Space highlights all the tips and tricks that you didn't know you needed to know. "-- Page 4 of cover.